Have You Tested Your Equipment Recently?

Do you have equipment in your office or at home that you use periodically but not every day? If so, it’s important to take the equipment out of hibernation every once in a while and run some tests. This is even more prevalent now as many businesses are switching to hybrid plans of working from home and only sometimes in the office.

Dusting off printers and copiers and testing them will keep you aware of how much ink and paper you have, what settings you typically use, and will verify that the device is still working properly. If the equipment does need maintenance, running regular tests may help with pinpointing the issue quicker.

Test runs help to make work flow smoother when the time comes to use the equipment. Otherwise it will be a hassle at the moments you need it most.

If you need any of your equipment serviced or have questions about taking your equipment out of hibernation, we are here to help.